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CC Grueter, et al. "Multilevel Organisation of Animal Sociality".

Trends in Ecology & Evolution (2020)



AB Migliano, et al. "Hunter-gatherer multilevel sociality accelerates cumulative cultural evolution".

Science Advances 6 (9), eaax5913 (2020)



AE Page, et al. "Testing adaptive hypotheses of alloparenting in Agta foragers".

Nature human behaviour 3 (11), 1154-1163 (2019)



M Dyble, et al. "Engagement in agricultural work is associated with reduced leisure time among Agta hunter-gatherers" Nature human behaviour 3 (8), 792-796 (2019)



AE Page, et al. "Why care for someone else’s child? Testing adaptive hypotheses in Agta foragers".

Nature human behaviour 3 (11), 1154 (2019)



DM Cataldo, et al. "Speech, stone tool-making and the evolution of language" PloS one 13 (1), e0191071 (2018).



Dyble, Mark, et al. "Inclusive fitness for in-laws." Biology letters 14.10 (2018): 20180515.​



Smith, Daniel, et al. "Cooperation and the evolution of hunter-gatherer storytelling. "Nature communications 8.1 (2017): 1853.​



​Migliano, A. B. et al. Characterization of hunter-gatherer networks and implications for cumulative culture. Nat. Hum. Behav. 1, 0043 (2017).



Bentzen-Bilkvist, Dana, Andrea Migliano, and Lucio Vinicius. "Behavioural Phenotypes and the Structure of Human Cognition. "Evolutionary Biology (2016):   1-7.



Pagani, Luca, et al. "Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia." Nature 538.7624 (2016): 238-242.



Malaspinas, Anna-Sapfo, et al. "A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia." Nature (2016).



Salali, Gul Deniz, et al. "Knowledge-Sharing Networks in Hunter-Gatherers and the Evolution of Cumulative Culture." Current Biology 26.18 (2016): 2516-2521.



Dyble, Mark, et al. "Networks of Food Sharing Reveal the Functional Significance of Multilevel Sociality in Two Hunter-Gatherer Groups." Current Biology 26.15 (2016): 2017-2021.



Smith D et al. 2016 Camp stability predicts patterns of hunter–gatherer cooperation. R. Soc. open sci. 3: 160131. 



Page, Abigail E., et al. "Reproductive trade-offs in extant hunter-gatherers suggest adaptive mechanism for the Neolithic expansion." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.17 (2016): 4694-4699.



Vinicius, Lucio, and Andrea Bamberg Migliano. "Reproductive market values explain post-reproductive lifespans in men." Trends in ecology & evolution31.3 (2016): 172-175.



Chaudhary N, Salali GD, Thompson J, et al. Competition for Cooperation: variability, benefits and heritability of relational wealth in hunter-gatherers. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:29120. doi:10.1038/srep29120.



Salali,G. D. and Migliano, A. B. (2015) Future Discounting in Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers Declineswith Socio-Economic Transitions. PlosOne September 18, 2015: DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0137806 



G. D. Salali, N. Chaudhary, A. Page, D. Smith, J. Thompson, L. Vinicius, R. Mace, and A. B. Migliano (2015) Sex equality can explain the unique social structure of hunter-gatherer bands.  Science 15 May 2015: 348 (6236), 796-798. [DOI:10.1126/science.aaa5139].  



Chaudhary, N., Salali G.D., Thompson J., Dyble M., Page A., Smith D., Mace R., and Migliano A. B. (2015) "Polygyny without wealth: popularity in gift games predicts polygyny in BaYaka Pygmies." Royal Society Open Science 2, no. 5 (2015): 150054.



Kricheff, D. A., & Lukas, H. (2015). Being Maniq: Practice and identity in the forests of Southern Thailand. Hunter Gatherer Research, 1(2), 139-155.



Karmin M. et al, (2015). A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture. Genome research 25(4), 459-466. 



Lewis, H. M., Vinicius, L., Strods, J., Mace, R., & Migliano, A. B. (2014). High mobility explains demand sharing and enforced cooperation in egalitarian hunter-gatherers. Nature communications, 5. 



Vinicius, L., R. Mace, and Migliano A.B. (2014) "Variation in Male Reproductive Longevity across Traditional Societies." PLoS ONE 9. 11 e112236.  



Migliano, A. B., Romero, G.R., Metspalu, M., Leavesley M., Pagani. L., Antao T., Huang D.H. et al. (2013): "Evolution of the pygmy phenotype: Evidence of positive selection from genome-wide scans in African, Asian, and Melanesian pygmies." Human biology 85, no. 1 251-284. 



Fumagalli, Matteo, et al. "Greenlandic Inuit show genetic signatures of diet and climate adaptation."  Science 349.6254 (2015): 1343-1347.



Genomic analyses inform on migration events during the peopling of Eurasia

Here we present a dataset of 483 high-coverage human genomes from 148 populations worldwide, including 379 new genomes from 125 populations, which we group into diversity and selection sets.

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Cooperation and the evolution of hunter-gatherer storytelling

Here we explore the impact of storytelling on hunter-gatherer cooperative behaviour and the individual-level fitness benefits to being a skilled storyteller.

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Research suggests that hunter gatherers were more egalitarian than us, partly because they had fewer relatives around.

Why our ancestors were more gender equal than us


Characterization of hunter-gatherer networks and implications for cumulative culture

We developed a portable wireless sensing technology (motes) to study within-camp proximity networks among Agta and BaYaka hunter-gatherers

in fine detail.

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The first comprehensive genomic study of Aboriginal Australians reveals that they are indeed the direct descendants of Australia's earliest settlers and diverged from their Papuan neighbours about 37'000 years ago (y.a.).

A genomic history of Aboriginal Australia


Scientific Method / Science & Exploration Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating Y chromosome diversity suggests male reproductive bottleneck...

Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating


We attempt to identify the role of inter-individual variation in relational wealth in the dynamics of within-group competition among BaYaka hunter-gatherers.

Competition for Cooperation: variability, benefits and heritability of relational wealth in hunter-gatherers

Early men and women were equal

Study shows that modern hunter-gatherer tribes operate on egalitarian basis, suggesting inequality was an aberration that came with the advent of agriculture.


High-fat diet made Inuits healthier but shorter thanks to gene mutations

The best experiments are those already going on in nature. The different conditions in which humans have lived for tens of thousands of years have made us adapt and change.

We examine the reported co-occurrence of plant uses between individuals in dyads (which we define as their “shared knowledge” of plant uses) in BaYaka Pygmies from Congo.

Knowledge-Sharing Networks in Hunter-Gatherers and the Evolution of Cumulative Culture


Here, we study Mbendjele BaYaka hunter-gatherers of northern Congo and their farmer neighbours to investigate adaptations in inter-temporal preferences in humans.

Future Discounting in Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers Declines with Socio-Economic Transitions


Long before the advent of social media, human social networks were built around sharing a much more essential commodity: food.

Networks of Food Sharing Reveal the Functional Significance of Multilevel Sociality in Two Hunter-Gatherer Groups


Is fish oil good for you?

Depends on your DNA

These days, lots of foods come fortified with omega-3 fatty acids because of their supposed health benefits. But not everyone may reap them equally, according to a new study of native Greenlanders.


Did sexual equality fuel the evolution of human cooperation?

Anthropologists Mark Dyble and Andrea Migliano of University College London wondered if human cooperation had less to do with genetics and more to do with sexual equality.

Hunter-gatherer multilevel sociality accelerates cumulative cultural evolution

By simulating the accumulation of cultural innovations over the real Agta multicamp networks, we demonstrate that multilevel sociality accelerates cultural differentiation and cumulative cultural evolution. 

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Speech, stone tool-making and the evolution of language

We conclude that speech is unlikely to have evolved as tool-making teaching aid superior to gesture, as claimed by the technological hypothesis, and therefore alternative views should be considered


Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating

Scientific Method / Science & Exploration Neolithic culture may have kept most men from mating Y chromosome diversity suggests male reproductive bottleneck...


Here, we study Mbendjele BaYaka hunter-gatherers of northern Congo and their farmer neighbours to investigate adaptations in inter-temporal preferences in humans.

Future Discounting in Congo Basin Hunter-Gatherers Declines with Socio-Economic Transitions


Is fish oil good for you?

Depends on your DNA

These days, lots of foods come fortified with omega-3 fatty acids because of their supposed health benefits. But not everyone may reap them equally, according to a new study of native Greenlanders.

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